The CASE VSE Survey Requirements are Changing, Are You Prepared?


As an advancement professional, you’re likely well aware of the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) Voluntary Support of Education (VSE) survey. But, are you aware of the most recent changes?


CASE VSE announced upcoming changes in April 2022. If your institution is not yet ready for the changes, now is the time to do so. Implementing these changes will be necessary to participate in the CASE VSE survey.


Remember, participating in the CASE VSE survey is free and voluntary (but highly recommended) for higher education institutions. Participation offers a deeper understanding of private gifts and grants from alumni, parents, other individuals, foundations, corporations, and other organizations.


If you aren’t aware of the CASE VSE survey changes, here’s what to know.



The 2022 fiscal year VSE survey was redesigned to align with the CASE Global Reporting Standards released in March 2021. The CASE Global Reporting Standards publication represents worldwide standards for reporting the outcomes of institutional fundraising.


They are based on a new definition of educational philanthropy and contain guidance around gift counting, funds received, new funds committed, and donor control and influence. The publication is available for purchase in print and digital editions. Learn more on the CASE Global Reporting Standards webpage.


Previously, there were three versions of the VSE survey: the full, the partial, and the minimal. Prior participating institutions have been assigned the new version of the survey that corresponds to the version that they completed in the past.


Full and Partial Version

The full and partial versions of the VSE survey are now combined into one interface. For select questions, respondents have the option to provide either detailed data (equivalent to the full version) or totals (equivalent to the partial version).


For your information: Sections 2, 3a, 3b, 3c (auto totals), and 4a are required. Sections 1, 2b, and 4b are optional.


Respondents who wish to complete the full version of the survey can provide data for gifts for current operations, restricted, at the level of the restriction categories (academic divisions, faculty and staff compensation, student financial aid, etc.). Respondents who wish to complete the partial version can skip the rows for the individual restriction categories and enter only the total of all gifts for current operations, restricted.


Minimal Version

Previously, sections three and four were combined on the minimal version. Now, they are separated into section 3 (fundraising totals, required) and section 4a (additional details, required, which only has three questions).


Previously, minimal survey respondents did not see most of the optional survey questions that were on the full and partial versions. The minimal survey now includes section 4b (optional), giving respondents the opportunity to view those questions and answer some, none, or all of them, as desired.


For your information: Sections 2, 3, and 4a are required. Sections 1, 2b, and 4b are optional.


Other Changes to Note

Section 1: New Funds Committed (All Versions)

Optional in 2022 but may be required in the future


New Funds Committed replaces the former Section 1: Pledges and Testamentary Commitments. There are several changes in how and what to count.


  • New Pledges: Only count the first five years of multi-year pledges. In five years, you can count the subsequent five years on the survey, and so forth.
  • New Funds Received that Were Not Pledged in a Previous Year: Count here outright gifts from living individuals that were not previously pledged; realized bequests that were not previously documented; and newly established irrevocable deferred gifts (charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, pooled income funds, and remainder interest in property) at face value. These gifts also get counted in Funds Received.
  • New Revocable Bequest Intentions: If you can value a bequest intention, you can count it here. You must have a formal commitment from the donor. The donor must be 65 years old or older at some point during the reporting fiscal year.


Section 2: Enrollment, Endowment, Expenditures, Characteristics (All Versions)



This section is largely unchanged from the former survey except that there are two new questions about the nature of the institution.


  1. Are hospital or medical facility data included in your survey?
  2. In what decade did your institution first employ full-time development and fundraising staff?


Section 3a: Current Operations (Full/Partial Version)



Source Categories


  • New: Non-alumni Individuals: Parents + Other Individuals
  • New: Donor-Advised Funds: DAFs now have their own category. They are no longer counted under Other Organizations.
  • New Definition: Religious Organizations and Fundraising Consortia are now counted under Other Organizations rather than separately.
  • Purpose Categories
  • Purpose categories have been adapted to CASE Global Reporting Standards, 4.2.2, Fund Designations/Restricted.
  • New: Student Affairs/Life
  • New Definition: The following categories that previously had their own rows are now counted under Other Restricted: Public Service & Extension, Library, Operation & Maintenance of Physical Plant.


Section 3b: Capital Purposes (Full/Partial Version)



  1. Outright Gifts for Capital Purposes


Source Categories


  • New: Non-alumni Individuals: Parents + Other Individuals
  • New: Donor-Advised Funds: DAFs now have their own category. They are no longer counted under Other Organizations.
  • New Definition: Religious Organizations and Fundraising Consortia are now counted under Other Organizations rather than separately.


Purpose Categories


  • Purpose categories have not changed.
  • NB: In the Standards, Loan Funds are added to Endowment. In the Core Metrics survey, they were part of All Other Capital purposes, along with Property, Buildings, and Equipment. Keeping them separate here allows them to be allocated either way.


There are other changes to the CASE VSE survey that we’ve noticed but have not included here. If you’re wondering whether your CASE VSE standards are up to date, we’re now booking strategy sessions to evaluate your readiness. Contact us today to get started!